The continuity restriction

Given continuous g:R -> R, it is even more popular to find a continuous f:R -> R such that f(f(x)) = g(x). This is a lot harder than the general case to do. This section is very small since I just started investigating this. However, the anonymous mathematician who had the same ideas as me didn't seem to have a clear-cut answer to this problem, making it all the worthwhile to investigate. Then again, maybe I am just rediscovering old results again, in which case I still don't care! The f(f(x)) problem in the continuous case is absolutely fascinating, and much more non-trivial than in the previous case.

The problem of finding continuous f is clearly the same as finding a regular root f, only there are restrictions on what we should do with the classes! The best route seems to be describing a function's continuity in terms of classes or vice versa.

Let T be a topology and let g:T -> T be continuous. Define T/g = T/K(g), the quotient space which identifies members of the same class. This topology is called the class topology of the function g. If we refer to a specific function in terms of its variable, we write T/[g(x)].

If T = R with the usual topology, then R/[ex] = [0, 1) and R/[x + 1] = S1, for example, where = is homeomorphism. The class topology of f(x) = 2x is not Hausdorff, however, and in fact consists of two circles and a point, and the only open set containing the point is the whole space. I thought for a moment once that R/[sin x] = [0, 1), but fortunately for me I was wrong. This allows my rough and unsturdy intuition that the "special" isolated classes of a continuous function have something to do with "extra points" in the class space, such as the extra point in R/[2x]. Moreover, in a continuous function, classes seem to come in groups of classes that look the same and are "near" each other, it seems to me that investigation of classification of these groups of classes would be beneficial. For example, we can say with loose notation that R/[2x] = (S11 U S12) + 1, where 1 is the extra point, the only open set of which contains the entire space. There are three groups of classes: Those with elements above 0, which are all near each other and look alike, those below 0, and the trivial point at 0. Each represents S11, S12, and the extra point respectively. (All of my ideas are very shaky in this paragraph, as is probably apparent.)

The problem of finding continuous roots seems to be related to solving the original problem given certain restrictions of the classes to be paired and the relation of different pairs based on the class topology of the original function. However, as of yet I am actually a pretty crappy topologist, and in fact the only thing I ever learned about quotient spaces was by browsing books at a bookstore. In spite of this I continue to struggle through the problem and appreciate any contributions.

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